CLILK is a smart animation editor and cartoon maker, it is also a community of anime creators, fanfiction authors, and manga lovers.

Our Core Features



Choose more than 10 thousand stickers and backgrounds from our library. Use our collection of facial emotions and body parts for creating a unique character. You can upload images straight from your device gallery or just take photos on the go and use it in the app.



Clilk provides endless opportunities to make your characters alive. You can add motions, text labels and balloons of different shapes and colours. Make your animation sound, create different scenes and use special effects from our gallery. Enjoy your animation experience!



You can launch your personal channel about a popular show or game universe. Invite your friends to watch your channel and share your visual stories and animations with them. Clilkers can also collaborate to make a collective animation. We believe that animation art can help you to find friends all around the world.

Our amazing team

Meet our international and talented team! We are dedicated to delivering the best animating experience for our customers and community of enthusiasts.


John Butler

Leading developer


Andy Lehman

Head of Design


Iris Adams

Customer Relations


The world is our community

We are looking for new insights, so if you want to share your experience of animating with CLILK, you are welcomed to contact us:

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On all orders above $50

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30 days money back guarantee

International Warranty

Offered in the country of usage

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